HAZZERDThe 3rd Dimension M-Theory Audio (2025)Rating: 7/10 I’m ashamed that it has taken me this long to fully latch onto Canadian thrashers Hazzerd, this being the third full-length trip from the Calgary, Alberta-based combo who have been loitering around since 2013. Let’s cut to the chase here and get the negatives out of the way […]
CRIMSON STORMLivin’ On The Bad Side Fighter (2025)Rating: 7/10 It has certainly taken these now Barcelona, Spain-based metallers a long time to get going. Crimson Storm was originally formed during 2009 by guitarist Lögan Heads in Sardinia, Italy, and yet it would be five years before the release of 2014 EP Motor City Maniac and […]
GRAVE ALTARShrines Of Hatred Vicious Witch (2025)Rating: 8/10 The return of these English maniacs may only last just over 27 minutes but there’s enough devastation and darkness here to last a lifetime. Shrines Of Hatred is the sophomore full-length slab from Grave Altar that continues to mash the brain with their hostile brand of thrashing […]
SACREDFire To Ice Stormspell (2025)Rating: 8/10 Treading the Swedish heavy / power metal boards are Sacred and this is their debut full-length album. However, these guys from Gothenburg aren’t newcomers to the game having appeared under the moniker of Amnesia from 2010 to 2019, releasing a three-song EP, Tyrannical Warfare, in 2016. Fire To Ice […]
RAWAYSRaw Takes EP Self-released (2025)Rating: 8/10 Over the last couple of years I’ve been charmed by a rather delightful Italian rock project under the moniker of Elle Tea, and this intriguing band is the creation of Elle Tea mainman Leonardo Trevisan. Elle Tea restored my faith in today’s hard rock scene by creating a rather […]
MUTAGENIC HOSTThe Diseased Machine Memento Mori / Dry Cough / Gurgling Gore (2025)Rating: 8/10 In a world ravaged by artificial intelligence, London, England-based death metal troupe Mutagenic Host wade through the human debris with a debut album that provides the perfect soundtrack to its own warnings. Admittedly underwhelmed by the band’s 2023 demo, I decided […]