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Stages Of Infinity EP

Rotted Life (2024)
Rating: 7.5/10

With striking artwork from Lucas Korte (Shoggoth Kinetics), Stages Of Infinity is the debut EP from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based deathheads Cavern Womb. The outing features four tracks of deep, dense bludgeoning which although dripping in familiarity, remains a wholesome and meaty platter to chew on.

From the opening song ‘Exultation Of Depraved Majesty’ there is a strong old school odour of foul, yet steady riffage, guttural vocals and a general air of gloom which I crave from a majority of releases within the genre. As the drums, bass and guitars melt into one cavernous cauldron one cannot help but suck in the fumes of wet rot.

‘Amber Scourge’ is a whirlwind of lashing drums while also showcasing the absorbing shifts of riffs that run from scurrying blizzards to mid-tempo crispness. Although necessarily resembling a band like Maul, Cavern Womb embrace kaleidoscopic streaks which are imposed upon those already gnashes traits of heaviness.

Melodic veins are strewn throughout this EP, hinting at chasms of creativity and colour. ‘A Vessel For The Esoteric’ is both majestic and maddening with emphasis being on the creative percussion of Kyke Kovac, a real rising star within the genre. Some of the axework exhibited is dissonant, abrasive and unorthodox, the band clearly comfortable expanding their segments, bereft of vocal yet still mesmerising the listener.

Lyrically, Cavern Womb touches upon cosmic esoteric, more so on the aforementioned ‘A Vessel For The Esoteric’ where vocalist Shervin Balan speaks “Celestial alignment, wormhole synchronicity”, while on ‘Cryopreserved’ there are more scientific rumblings as the combo drift into a void inhabited by the likes of Tomb Mold but with a permafrost layer.

Otherworldly brutality is at the core here, a promising start from a band whose cover art matches the content.

Neil Arnold

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