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Demo 2024

Creeping like a fetid black mass of sediment, the UK death metal scene adds further silt to its ever growing sickening structure by way of a debut Ritual Execution demo. Comprised of three mysterious members named Funeral (guitar and vocals), Wretch (bass and vocals) and Arachnid (drums and vocals), Ritual Execution oozes with utterly thick menace and from within such squalid depths are spewed three songs.

‘Bestial Altar’ begins as a bestial traipse, the riffage being a soggy churning with a primal percussive thud at its heart. The remote vocalisations are secondary to the rancid sludge fuzz the trio coughs up leaving coal dust trails on your lungs with their grisly mix of black doom and rotten, miasmic death metal.

‘Molesting The Crucified’ starts like a sci-fi horror soundtrack where eerie clanks and cosmic vapours align before an onslaught of hellish war metal demonically ravages the ears as a tirade of frantic percussion and frenzied axe work. The general feel is of an impenetrable blanket of ash and dust before the ominous wail of a lead signals a lowering of gauze to introduce a mid-tempo slog.

‘Haunted Chapel’ is a gruelling black-death combination of macabre, foreboding and slugging leakage and pacier displays of primeval hammering. Some of the vocals have a dissonant black metal caw to their style; raw and harsh distant snaps working in evil cohorts with the deeper, muffled utterances.

Dripping in horror and drizzled with a despicable mist, this is one of the best demo releases this year.

For those of you interested, the demo is available via here.

Neil Arnold

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