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Transcendent Unveiling Of Dimensions (2024)

There is an earthquake in Tennessee and it’s caused by this ungodly death metal band from Kingsport. This four-track demo is one of the heaviest things you’ll hear this year; a crushing thick tide of enveloping congealed fog that oozes into your orifices and makes you its foul host.

Transcendent Unveiling Of Dimensions is a release that bulges and writhes like a constricting serpent possessed by some Lovecraftian demon that festers ’neath esoteric cosmic alignments that in turn churn the black seas. After a foreboding instrumental introduction, ‘(Inside The) Arcane Hypogeum’, Purulency erupts into ‘Adrift In Festering Perpetuity’, a colossal wave of foaming gore and cavernous waste that continually gushes like a mighty dam that has burst.

Cascading dense riffs, grinding bass, percussive rivers and ghastly vocal emissions, Purulency definitely fit into that repulsive death metal barrage that has been all the rage, especially if you like bands which range from Immolation through to Grave Miasma. But that’s not to say that these Americans sound like those bands. However, the great vacuum they construct boasts the same otherworldly and morbid designs which originate from macabre voids of inner space and, at times, the Finnish death metal scene.

There is a genuine smothering eeriness about the batch of tracks on offer; each fatty slabs that are the musical equivalent to spending a night among the dead while being suffocated from the silt stirred up by malevolent winds. ‘Xenolith Of Ruination’ and ‘Devoured By The Sentient Nihility’ wouldn’t seem so out of place on a Demilich, Convulse or Abhorrence album, so if you like that sort of flesh-splicing gloominess then tuck in to the feast.

For those of you interested, the Transcendent Unveiling Of Dimensions demo is available here.

Neil Arnold

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