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I Am The Weapon

AFM (2024)
Rating: 7/10

I should be angry with myself for not being loyal to these veteran Phoenix, Arizona-based metallers who have just issued another solid record, the 15th full-length studio offering in their long career. However, the truth is that my relationship with Flotsam And Jetsam is very much a like / hate one. I’ve never loved an album by the band, although I did really like the first three – Doomsday For The Deceiver (1986), No Place For Disgrace (1988) and When The Storm Comes Down (1990). After that my interest waned while occasionally dipping back in, such as with The Cold (2010).

There has certainly been a more renewed energy since axeman Steve Conley (Fifth Angel) joined the ranks in 2014, because from 1992 until the awful 2014 reworking of No Place For Disgrace the band were average at best. However, the 2016 self-titled opus alongside 2019 successor The End Of Chaos and 2021’s Blood In The Water were strong records and the quality thankfully continues with this new 11 song affair.

Of course, I still have a few issues with this record like I do with everything the Flots produce. Firstly, there are the dreadful lyrics such as on opening cut ‘A New Kind Of Hero’, although musically it’s a powerhouse, and ‘Running Through The Fire’ suffers the same fate with its appalling wordage. The album also seems to be littered with a few dull and, dare I say it, filler tracks, namely the tedious ‘Black Wings’ which should be far better as a closer but it just plods with little effect.

The album does boast plenty of high points too. ‘Kings Of The Underworld’, ‘Cold Steel Lights’ and ‘The Head Of The Snake’ are lethal examples, especially as they showcase the band’s ability to mix balladic steel and balls-to-the-wall heavy metal with thrashy tinges led by ripping axe work and a sturdy bass. Vocalist Eric “A.K.” Knutson also remains a force with his clear style that captivates with potent aplomb. But in spite of this being a strong opus I just can’t get excited by anything these guys do, although it’s not for the want of trying.

Like previous outings, I Am The Weapon is worthy of attention, especially when the combo rips through ‘Burned My Bridges’, but at the other end of the spectrum ‘Primal’ just doesn’t live up to its name. Still, Flotsam And Jetsam fans will enjoy this record, although my relationship with the band remains a bit frosty but with warmer echoes in the distance.

Neil Arnold

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