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Sickness Attracts Sickness

Extremely Rotten Productions / Headsplit / 625 Thrashcore (2025)
Rating: 7/10

As you can probably tell from the band moniker, album title and cover, this is another rancid dollop of death metal. It’s been six years since this unhygienic clan bestowed upon us their filthy, scum-ridden 2019 demo Immense Thickening Vomit, and now, just when you thought you’d rid your bathroom of all the mould, Mephitic Corpse creeps back.

Thirty-minutes of putridity will be more than enough here before you crawl to the toilet and unleash a projectile spew to cleanse yourself of the gut rot these Californian bowel munchers cause. Imagine then a horrid slop of ingredients including a sickening snare drum and soupy riffage only Mortician could be proud of. All bar one of the 11 tracks sit below three and a half minutes and each one of these is excreted like a grindcore cowpat whose sloppy origins once formed in the bacterial cesspit of Carcass, General Surgery, Disgorge etc.

As ‘Obsessive Compulsive Dismemberment’ erupts from the pus-caked cavity one may begin to question the state of their stereo system, because this squirt of audible diarrhoea is one hellish slush of sewage. Even with such vile goo, Mephitic Corpse have become masters of creating catchy, slurping riffs which coat the ear carnal in a mouldy fluff before they are then, in turn, blown away by the percussive flurries of Eric Liewald, a hyperactive madman whose spends most of the time using drainage pipes to bash the heads in of rats in order to create his noise.

The titles come thick n’ fast like chunks of carrot puked from the gut, like ‘Screwgum My Spleen’, ‘Teething On Clots’, ‘Rectal Bugs’ and the finale ‘Gutpuked Maggot Treatment’, each one a fermented cocktail of festering fuzz and morgue gunk to match the sickening spidery chaos of the band logo. ‘Grisly Vomit On Self’ lives up to its title, although one can’t help but chuckle at the tin can drumming and the all round coating of scuzz, and the same could also be said for the hyper trash can thrash n’ mulch of ‘Blistering Red Corpse Under Max Thermostat’.

It’s all about the riffs here: deep n’ dirty churning soup consisting of cysts, scabs, sores and ghoul gravy. Most certainly an acquired taste with its goofy goriness, I guarantee that those of a weaker disposition will be reaching for the anti-sickness tablets by the end.

Neil Arnold

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