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Lost In Flames

RPM-ROAR (2025)
Rating: 6/10

So here’s the sophomore full-length effort from a band who should have thought of a more original moniker. Anyway, this particular Saber hails from Los Angeles, California and they’ve been rockin’ since 2018.

Four years ago Saber released their debut album Without Warning, a steady effort packed full of steely designs, and the good news is that this quality continues with Lost In Flames. However, the less than good news is that it’s all rather generic. It’s not a major flaw because most bands attempting this throwback metal style suffer the same issues. I don’t expect startling originality and it is always good to see such bands living the metal life, but as the title track proves that after a few spins the novelty wears off.

The run time of 29 minutes also means that while the album is brisk and energetic there’s nothing here that really digs its heels in. But hey, let’s focus on the positives as there are still many. Firstly, the production is clear and really does allow the instruments to breath and secondly, Saber are very good at what they do.

‘Lost In Flames’ kicks off proceedings and it’s a track that sizzles with the expected retro metal electricity as elements of Iron Maiden and Judas Priest erupt from the fiery gallops. The main quality here though is the axe work of Joel Dominguez, a real talent whose solos effortlessly soar through the density of Jesus Delgado’s drums and Dave Sanchez’s bass. Vocalist Steven Villa is adequate enough, his range is relatively high and clear although he doesn’t necessarily standout as a frontman. Even so, he leads us through some solid cuts, the best of the bunch being ‘Phoenix Rising’, with its busy axe work and pace, and ‘Shadow Of You’, with its steamy opening and eventual harder strikes.

Elsewhere, ‘On The Hunt’ and ‘Steel Breaker’ are standard rockers, both bristling with energy but some of the vocals seem strained, case in point being the upbeat although rather cheesy ‘Madam Dangerous’ with its poppy sensibilities. Lost In Flames is an album that relies heavily on the talents of Dominguez to make it through; several tracks, including ‘Shattered Dreams’, would be rather mediocre without Joel’s edge.

There are a lot of bands around of this ilk, many of which have emerged from the depths of the Greek and Spanish underground, and I’m sure you’ll agree that a majority of them are of a far higher calibre than Saber.

Neil Arnold

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