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World Fighter

Dying Victims Productions (2024)
Rating: 8/10

With their third full-length album, Helsinki, Finland-based Angel Sword once again reminds us of their prowess as they charge through the smoke, clad in leather and rattle off another bunch of melodic anthems.

This is simple yet driving metal with a rough edge, particularly in the vocals of guitarist Jerry Razors who, as his name suggests, sounds like he’s been swallowing rusty blades. For the most part the band sits close to the mid-80s in style, robust denim n’ leather that refuses to buckle due to its steely Judas Priest throttle. Even so, there is variation within, particularly with the boogie of ‘Against All Odds’, and the use of a choir on ‘Church Of Rock’, which also boasts a smattering of subtlety. Of course, the band continues to pursue robust rockers too such as with the hasty ‘Powerglove’ and opening scorcher ‘Vigilantes’.

Like a lot of more recent bands that have emerged since around 2010, Angel Sword has varying influences whether in the form of the more rugged New Wave Of British Heavy Metal scene, down to the slicker grooves of Thin Lizzy. The sound of Angel Sword is very much embedded in the past, which is probably why Darkthrone’s Fenriz gave them high praise and they got to open for such esteemed acts as Satan and Manilla Road.

If the striking cover art isn’t enough to draw you in then check out the glam-tinged ‘Dangerous Games’, the shred-heavy ‘Afterburn’ and the epic power balladry of the epic title track. Yep, it has been over four years since the last release (Neon City), but even more reason then to devour this slab which I’m playing regularly alongside the new Intranced opus (Muerte y Metal). Metal forever!

Neil Arnold

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