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Wild Rites And Ancient Songs

Gates Of Hell (2023)
Rating: 8/10

If you live near a castle then I suggest you take a visit, and while you’re there plug the new Blazon Rite album in and transport yourself back to images of chainmail, a rusty portcullis and majestic lands.

Over the last few years Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based combo Blazon Rite has been somewhat of a portal to the sword n’ sorcery experience that many young fans may not have experienced first time round with the fiery axe work, the booming vocal commands and lyrical cheese. Sure, it’s hard to take serious, even with the recognisable early Iron Maiden-esque gallops of steel, but Blazon Rite achieves what many bands can only dream of and that’s to sound authentic in their quest for dungeons n’ dragons old school vibes. The soaring solos get me every time, as do the thunder drums of Ryan Haley, and I just cannot stop thumping my chest when Johnny Halladay barks another order at the gates of Babylon.

Wild Rites And Ancient Songs is an easy album to fall for, and from the off it is instantly accessible and engaging with its bombastic strides and atmosphere. Subtlety is displayed on the magical ‘The Fall Of A Once Great House’, but for the most part this album is running alive with the sound of clashing steel, raging hillside fires, night cries of the animal kingdom and duelling warriors awash with blood of the enemies.

Yes, much of what is delivered here is familiar but it sure as hell is uplifting and storms the castle keep to great effect. And yet within its folds there lies a layer of doominess, no doubt unintentional, but even so, it exists and harkens back to those heroic storylines and powerhouse thunderclaps once emitted by Heavy Load and the likes.

Neil Arnold

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