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Infinite Evolution

Hells Headbangers (2024)
Rating: 6/10

After a seven year silence, founding member and guitarist, and now also vocalist too, Adam Tranquilli drags CJ Scioscia (guitar), Adam Kieffer (drums) and newest member Dave Kramer (bass) out of the shadows for the fourth full-length Blood Feast composition.

2017 opus The Future State Of Wicked was a reasonable effort, so I was looking forward to this one. Nine tracks are served up, but after a handful of listens I’m underwhelmed. Maybe it’s because there is just so much thrash nowadays or the fact that Blood Feast never did regain their shine after those early albums in the 80s, but Infinite Evolution certainly doesn’t live up to its title. The production is flat, the song writing average and the only highs being the axe work, especially on closer ‘The Chosen’.

Maybe it’s just that my passion has waned for the glut of once cult and “returning” bands, but there’s nothing here that excites me. ‘Ravaging The Loins Of Mary’ seems flat and so the stall is somewhat set already, even with the aggression. The only time when any sort of bite emerges is when the New Jersey band shows traces of deathliness. There are a few notable moments of atmosphere but not enough vim to call it evolution, even if this is a very different band from the 80s.

‘Outbreak’ is a solid enough thrasher with a strong bass, but ‘Never Will I Die’ is proof that Adam Tranquilli taking over vocal duties wasn’t the best idea. There’s no real personality to the band and while it’s not as bad as the recent Evil Dead album (Toxic Grace), Infinite Evolution is just another modern day generic thrash record, fact.

Neil Arnold

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