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Cognitive Dissonance

Self-released (2024)
Rating: 7.5/10

Some seriously good death-thrash comes your way here for a talented New Zealand mob known as Extorted. Cognitive Dissonance is a barnstormer of a debut full-length album created by Joel Campbell (vocals), Ivan Roberts (lead guitar), Diego Pasqual Del Pobil (rhythm guitar), Brad Lucas (bass) and Bryce Tozer (drums).

From the striking cover art – provided by who else but Ed Repka – to Joel Campbell’s Chuck Schuldiner (Death) styled gasps, this is a fantastic record that’s up there with some of the year’s beat releases. As ‘Deception’ chugs along one does feel as if they’re experiencing a thrashier version of Death, and yet such is the energy and talent for writing catchy songs everything about Cognitive Dissonance sounds fresh.

‘Infected’ begins with a tirade of serrated riffing alongside hyper drums as the band construct a classic 80s thrash replica. The leads swirl crisp and clear as the pace drops to a measured menace. It’s impossible to not hear the Death influence, but Extorted do break up the mimicry with some traditional metal episodes such as on the title track, which also boasts a dose of doomier flair.

‘Violence’ is another killer song stiffened by the pound of the drums as again the band fuses slower, methodical segments with aggressive bursts of speed. Imagine if you will Death combining their debut classic Scream Bloody Gore (1987) with some if their later works such as Human (1991).

‘Transformation Of Dreams’ is another example of the Death worship, although the expected intricacy only comes via the drums, but again there’s that knack they have of being soulfully accessible and almost wistful when the solos caress the layers of jagged extremity.

Extorted are more than happy to wear their influences on their sleeves as ‘Ghastly Creatures’ nods towards the thrashier side of German outfit Morgoth and Netherlands posse Pestilence.

Bereft of originality, Extorted’s debut still maintains enough throwback savagery even if I’m somewhat baffled by the aping. After all, Gruesome did this a few years ago.

Neil Arnold

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