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I Erode

20 Buck Spin (2024)
Rating: 8/10

Drifting across the waters of San Francisco’s Bay Area like a deadly mist, ripping death-thrash machine Laceration spits forth its sophomore slab in the vein of today’s Skeletal Remains, and from the past, Morgoth.

Although I’m not a fan of the “un-title” title, I Erode quite literally leaves the ears for dust musically. Drummer Aerin Johnson, who joined last year, is an absolute beast behind the kit as he pummels us from the opening intro ‘Degradation’ into the deep bowels of instrumental ‘Dreams Of The Formless’ before shutting off our air supply with the closing title track.

I Erode is an outing that’s easily accessed due to its meaty riffs, the result being 32 minutes of death metal that is both aggressive and melodic. Laceration cuts to the chase with its dynamic rhythms bolstered by the chesty vocals of guitarist Luke Cazares, his style somewhat similar to Marc Grewe of Morgoth.

The album is extremely wholesome and concise as songs such as ‘Excised’ boast that early 90s familiarity, mainly because of the beefy and semi-technical axe work from Cazares and Donnie Small. Eli Small has such a chunky bass tone too, the whole record a dense framework laced with thrashy tinges (‘Vile Incarnate’), and although there is complexity (‘Carcerality’) within the layers this isn’t an album that attempts to alienate or befuddle. Instead, the listener is engulfed by a series of beefy chops (‘Sadistic Enthrallment’) made all the more comforting by the robust nature of each instrument. ‘Strangled By Hatred’ exhibits the ability of the combo to mix pacier segments with gouging mid-paced rolls.

I truly believe that when the end of year polls for best album roll around, I Erode will feature in many a critics list. I’m not quite as excited by the record due to its familiar shades, but it’s certainly an album I thoroughly enjoyed from top to bottom.

Neil Arnold

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