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Claws Out

Bullzhorn (2024)
Rating: 7/10

The look and feel of this debut full-length album just screams late 80s sleaze metal and the sound here very much pays homage to the halcyon days of smudged eyeliner, scratchy vocals and Sunset Strip fantasies but with an occasional contemporary gloss. It’s generic but fun as the feisty Calgary, Alberta-based band takes influence from the likes of Bon Jovi, Mötley Crüe, Dokken, Ratt, and Faster Pussycat in their quest for party rock.

‘Shake It Up’ is very much the epitome of what the catty combo is about, a raucous and catchy little number that so desperately wants to be back in 1986. As with a lot of these releases you also get forced to digest the heartfelt token rocky ballad, in this case ‘Nothing But Love’, which isn’t as bad as you’d imagine with its Skid Row soul. It is sandwiched by a wholesome batch of lively rockers. ‘Can’t Get Enough’ is joyously goofy, the title track is fiery and memorable, as is the nostalgic romp ‘Hell In High Heels’.

These guys have no interest in being progressive, they just want nothing but a good time and there’s not a thing wrong with that. I could of course instead point you in the direction of far better, yet criminally ignored bands from the era that Lÿnx mimics, but instead let’s just jump in this particular hot tub and rock ‘n’ roll all night.

Neil Arnold

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