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As The Slurry Consumes

Rotten Tomb / Iron Fortress (2024)
Rating: 8/10

After a trio of singles released last year this relatively new Brazilian combo goes one step further with a 50 minute full-length debut. Although overlong, As The Slurry Consumes is somewhat of a fitting title as the mob dishes out ten destructive tracks, many of which remind me of classic Morbid Angel.

Vocalist Wesley Gomides boasts a potent, demonic style that originates from the depth of his oesophagus as he drops through opener ‘Apology Of God’ to the tidal blackness of Fernando Romano’s blasphemous axework. Even so, Rotten Entrails also supplies some strong thrashy moments too, especially with the chugging riffs.

There is a strong Floridian vibe to each tirade as ‘Embrace The Void’ kicks in with the percussive frenzy as the vocals echo with cavernous aplomb. Quintessentially old school, Rotten Entrails continuously and successfully taps into that early 90s style that is melodic, catchy yet foreboding, especially on the pacier numbers such as ‘Embryonic Fetish’ with its blackened spine.

The band exhibits a real knowing and, dare I say it, arrogance on certain numbers, for example the monstrous ‘Spreading Evil’ with its twisted trudging and the demonic yet steady gush of ‘Mental Downfall’.

Although a bit of fat could have been trimmed off, Rotten Entrails’ debut album smirks with attitude and strides confidently through the death metal genre to become instantly dominant due to its bombastic musicianship. And one can never tire of the crushing behemoth that is ‘Consumed’ or the primordial juddering of ‘Illegitimate Authority’, the band gnashing like one of Satan’s very own guardian hellhounds.

Rotten Entrails should be proud of what they’ve churned out here because although very much nodding to the old school values, As The Slurry Consumes is a strong contender for my top ten when it comes to albums of the year.

Neil Arnold

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