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More Insane

Prosthetic (2024)
Rating: 7.5/10

So shocked was I by the appalling new Maul release (In The Jaws Of Bereavement) that I quickly turned my attention to the third full-length album from Rochester, New York-based deathsters Undeath. Now, here is a band capable of keeping things simple yet without resorting to generic and tepid metallic hardcore rants.

Undeath continues to bludgeon with heavyweight aplomb as a multitude of riffs cascade to form a multi-headed groove machine. While the focus remains on slime and slop, Undeath constructs so many catchy charges that I couldn’t help but marvel at the juggernaut axework of Kyle Beam and Jared Welch, who, alongside bassist Tommy Wall and drummer Matt Browning, construct colossal shifts which scalp the listener in one swoop of infectious brutality.

Of course, the over the top song titles still exist, ‘Disattachment Of A Prophylactic In The Brain’ being the cheesiest of all, but one can overlook such cartoon Technicolor because the band is just so wonderfully simplistic in its savagery to the point that each track immediately embeds itself like a rusty hook to the eyeball.

Vocalist Alexander Jones reaches into the depth of his gut and presents to you his intestinal network as he spews and coughs through the superb ‘Brandish The Blade’ and ‘Bounty Hunter’. Even with occasion drifts towards melodeath or the shades of The Black Dahlia Murder (‘Sutured For War’) it’s a remarkably simple approach to death metal, opting for no frills brutality that borders on the anthemic. Even so, it’s not just meatball metal for no brain zombies as technicality comes to the fore on ‘Disputatious Malignancy’ and throughout Jones’ vocals bolster the grisly weight even further.

With the right balance of the goofy and the gargantuan, More Insane is still a case of more of the same, but that’s okay with me and I’m sure Undeath fans will agree.

Neil Arnold

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