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Vomitous Cadaverous EP

Iron Fortress (2024)
Rating: 7.5/10

Consisting of two members, Sadist (aka, Jamie Cross, Baalberith / Razakel Krieg) and Fruedstein (aka Ryan Wills, Blood Rage / Grave Ghoul / Seven Doors), Born Undead has existed since 2013 and Vomitous Cadaverous is the UK band’s second EP.

As expected, this is another guttural horror storm littered with movie samples and riffs which sound as if the audience has been cast into a pit of rotating blades. Some seriously gnashing dynamics make the backbone of this release which climaxes with a cover of Mortician’s ‘Devoured Alive’. Before that it’s a grindhouse of gore as ‘Another One For The Fire’ steadily smashes into the sickening blasts of ‘Return Of The Rat Master’.

Speedier segments mesh seamlessly with sludgier passages of puke which show the influence of Mortician, as well as bands ranging from Sequestrum to Stenched and the originators of puscore, Carcass. Some of the less unhygienic motions hint at Napalm Death or Benediction, but this is just one big melting pot of occasional tin pot drums, scuzzy guzz riffs and grisly blast beats.

Track titles almost become irrelevant, but I’ll throw a few juicy gems your way such as ‘Masticate The Uborn’, ‘The Butcher’ and ‘Stench Of Death’ which are all pasted like layers of sink scum and bathtub grime. Vomitous Cadaverous is another corker from Iron Fortress Records.

Neil Arnold

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