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Euphoric Consumption Of Human Flesh EP

CDN (2024)
Rating: 7/10

This foul EP is the musical equivalent of having wet dirt thrown into your mouth as you succumb to the elements in an open grace. Rank, sodden and suffocating, California’s Cemetery Rot provides standard yet effective death metal bashing to the point of black mould forming on the roof of the mouth during the duration of this five track outing.

Pacier and galloping moments are numerous especially on the opening title track, but that pungent stodgy air is maintained. Last year’s single ‘It Came From The Sewers’ exhibits that same blustery air driven by percussion that sounds like an old cellar door hammering in the wind.

Vocally, it’s the usual cavernous coughing amidst the howls of swampy riffing. Cemetery Rot sit comfortably among the current glut of old school themed death metal acts by being clogged, bogged and soggy, the only thrill in the gloom being a tortured solo which eerily drifts from the murk.

Tracks are labelled accordingly, particularly my favourite stinker ‘At The Bottom Of The Septic Tank’ which provides some nice mid-tempo putridity, as does the ghastly ‘Left To Rot On The Side Of A Hill’. Euphoric Consumption Of Human Flesh is the ideal way for Cemetery Rot to introduce themselves and I’m sure the best is yet to come.

Neil Arnold

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