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Filth EP

Self-released (2024)
Rating: 7/10

The title of this one says it all as Kentucky mob Cerebral Desolation drowns the listener in a soup of grinding, churning muck. Some of the riffs boast that gloomy Bolt Thrower ploughing sound while great slogs of dirty doom work in tandem with the guttural vocals.

This is just a thick sordid congealed bathtub of horror as the title track drags you down the plug hole like a quagmire of vomit. For me it’s just great to hear another gore-clogged band erupt from the sticky sewers and bestow their foul noise upon us. ‘Artificial Extinction’ sounds like a clan of stinking zombies attempting to march through an alleyway littered with human debris; it’s dense, even melodious but boggy to the extreme. ‘Chastiser’ brings a bit more pace, but it’s still the kind of grotty death metal I’d play alongside the likes of Putred, Tenebro, Cerebral Rot and Fetid.

‘The Turning’ begins in stark fashion, the percussion hissing and kicking through the toxic mist and luminous vapours. The vocals are echoing barks and yet there is an almost punky ethos to the gallop. Final song ‘Land Of The Sheep, Home Of The Slave’ begins with a flurry before quickly slowing akin to machinery succumbing to silt. The echo gives it that garage sort of vibe as if the band has rocked up at their uncle’s house to jam in the outbuilding. Nasty, down tuned slop is on the menu here… so choke on it.

Neil Arnold

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