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Emetic Fluid Transaction EP

Extremely Rotten Productions (2024)
Rating: 5.5/10

Two deranged individuals from Denmark are to be held responsible for this seven-minute slab of pummeling goregrind. There are six nasty songs on offer here and all of them made me feel as if my ears had been put through a blender. This sort of gory grit is an acquired taste, but thankfully there are a few fatty passages to chew on amidst the blast beat barrages.

Opener ‘Skin Sloughing’ is 47 seconds of death grind that briefly finds a moment to slow to a groggy trudge, and the same slop is introduced in ‘Ensnared (By The Knife)’ with its vintage Napalm Death fuzzcore.

The vocals are mere background slurping driven back into the throat by the constantly hectic percussion. ‘Vomit Evisceration’ sounds like someone is flushing the toilet while vomiting, and that’s how this short grind outing pans out. Only grindheads will fully comprehend the madness behind such slime, but for anyone else it’s a meal that’s difficult to stomach. Puke bag required.

Neil Arnold

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