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Metal Beyond Mercy EP

Self-titled (2024)
Rating: 7.5/10

I love it when musicians give themselves crazy names, in this case this Finnish terror tribe have christened themselves Vitriolic Voidseeker (vocals), Sepulcher Violator (guitar) and Perverse Korpse (drums, guitar and bass). I’m sure their parents are proud of such unintentionally hilarious names and I’m also left wondering what their parents think of the music of Veret?

The band mixes black, death and thrash metal, the result being a vicious concoction of utmost diabolical prowess. Veret has tapped into the blasphemous underground to conjure primordial spirits of evil, as evidenced on ‘Death’s Metal’, a despicable snap of primitive violence and debauchery consisting of grim, rasping vocals and scathing thrash. The solo work is zany but melodious, while the drums and bass channel the South American black thrash underground.

This is nasty material dredged from the centre of a devilish whirlwind, but there is always a melodic streak within the tumult. ‘Curse Of The Priest’s Skull’ and ‘Axehammer’ are both delivered with a sneering speed, especially on the black metal vocalisations. The likes of Immortal, Bathory and Slayer are all thrown into a melting spot, culminating in the arrogant blizzard of ‘Duke Alocer’, a thorny maelstrom of icy rushes and scurrying guitar work.

Wrapped in a slice of cool artwork by Sebastian Frigerio, Metal Beyond Mercy is a grotesque and demonic gem full of familiar ingredients yet brisk enough in its ferocity to cause severe whiplash.

Neil Arnold

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